I'm not saying that every student that goes to college will develope a disorder, but studies have shown that the disorders are most common in college aged students. Scientists beleive the disorders are a chemical imbalance in the brain. These imbalances affect people differently, so the symptoms are not always the same.
Although the true chemical imbalances are not fully known, once they are we can use this knowlage to help the affected students. Medicines can be perscribed to balance out these chemicals and help them get over the disorder. Chemistry will be the answer to not only decreasing the number of students affected with depression, schizofrenia, and eating disorders in college but at any person who is going through those things.
Works Cited
1. Hill, Jennifer. "Attitudes Towards Mental Disorders Among College Students." 2005. 23 Jan. 2008
2. Rockler-Gladen, Naomi. "College Students and Depression." Suit101. 14 Apr. 2007. 23 Jan. 2008
3. Woods, Jennifer. "Deadly Thin Rising Among College Students." The Cypress Chronicle. 29 Apr. 2006. 23 Jan. 2008